Thursday, May 19, 2011

Picked the first squash today.

It amazing how good squash tasted directly from the garden. There is nothing better than picked today vegetables. May 19th and my garden is producing awesome.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Our Mid-Aprll Wind Storm

Well we had a deep low pressure system come past us and we got 50mph+ wind gust today. My green house became a box kite today. Nothing but twisted wreckage now. Check it out...

Monday, February 21, 2011

Seed starting blocks

My brother got me interest in using blocks instead of planting pots. He told me using this method prevents plants from becoming root bound in the pots. Supposedly they suffer a little shock when you transplant them and it takes about two weeks to recover. This way when the roots hit the air they stop growing and support the plant.
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February Cold frame for strawberries

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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

My Green House

The temp today has been around 8 degrees, believe it or not it is 63 degrees in this green house.

This is my garden February 1st 2011

We had a major blizzard today and its the coldest day in the past 10 years. Its hard to believe that just two days ago it was 72 degrees. That is the beauty of living in Oklahoma. I turned the soil over in my raised beds on Saturday in that wonderfully warm weather. Maybe this new weather can go to work killing anything unwanted in that soil.